Leak Detection and Prevention

Dynamic alert system to prevent water damages

Leak Detection
and Prevention

With a robust suite of features including 24 hour monitoring and the use of live data analytics, ND Energy can recognize trends and  abnormalities in volume and flow, ensuring immediate recognition of leakage. Our sophisticated system can safely turn off the water, limiting damage and loss and restore the system to normal following a leak. This safeguards the property and equipment resulting in limiting loss, flood prevention and reduced claims to insurance.

Interested in Leak

We will provide you with a cost benefit analysis and 

design a system that best meets your needs.

Facts About Water Damage

  • The majority of insurance claims are opened as a result of a water leak
  • It is difficult to contain the damage to a single suite, most leaks cause damage to 3-4 suites at minimum
  • Residents face disruption due to damage and repairs, and often have out of pocket costs for items not covered by the Corporation’s Insurance
  • Insurance claims significantly affect premiums and deductibles
  • During the mitigation and repair stages occupants are disrupted and are often unable to live in their suites
  • Most Corporations will not make a claim unless the loss is 2-3 times the deductible, as a result, many buildings are absorbing water losses and repairs through their operating budget, resulting in increased fees to their owners.
  • Ongoing problems with leaks negatively impact the market value for all unit owners